Stop With The Attention Seeking Mahathir

With GE15 increasingly becoming closer around the corner, Malaysians everywhere are seemingly spoilt for choice in terms of lesser evils to vote into the next election – with PN, BN and PH making their overtures towards voters everywhere.

There is no exuberance as seen in GE14. The people are tired, both online and offline, with many calling for the politicians to get it over and done with. Yet despite the political fatigue that has set in, there remains one person who remains constantly motivated towards the current situation.

This person being Dr. Mahathir Mohamed of course, who almost shamelessly told voters that he was prepared to be appointed as Prime Minister, with the added clarification that he would only serve for one year rather than five.

Despite political differences, it seems that most Malaysians have had enough of Mahathir and his ilk. They after all need no reminder that Dr. Mahathir and his children, are all multi-millionaires and billionaires themselves. When asked on this matter, Dr. Mahathir had often hit back at critics by saying that his children’s success “is due to their own hard work and nothing to do with him helming the government for two decades”. The two-time Prime Minister had also explained that his children were not rich when he was in power.

If that’s the case, Dr. Mahathir’s family must have been “extra hardworking” as the net worth of Marina, Mirzan, Mukhriz and Mokhzani easily surpasses the GDP of at least 120 countries. By all means, it does seem like Mokhzani was referring to his own family as “champions”, by the virtue of their immense and unnatural wealth.

Mahathir had always claimed that it has never been his intention to create a “legacy” in the local scene. He had numerously touched on the subject of his children’s massive wealth, for example, as one that is as a result of hard work than the affiliation with the family name itself. But the reality is hard to ignore when the accumulated wealth of Mirzan, Mokhzani and Marina totals up to more the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of over a hundred countries.

If that’s the case, Dr. Mahathir’s family must have been “extra hardworking” as the net worth of Marina, Mirzan, Mukhriz and Mokhzani easily surpasses the GDP of at least 120 countries. By all means, it does seem like Mokhzani was referring to his own family as “champions”, by the virtue of their immense and unnatural wealth.

To be more specific:

1. Mokhzani owns 255 companies, with estimated total assets worth USD21 billion;

2. Mirzan owns 156 companies, with estimated total assets worth USD17 billion;

3. Mukhriz owns 128 companies, with estimated total assets worth USD13 billion; and

4. Marina owns 52 companies, with estimated total assets worth USD9 billion.

It is no wonder that Mahathir is always defensive about his children’s work ethics. After all, Mahathir’s children have not only “worked hard” to deserve their billions, but they have also cemented themselves as among the richest Malays on Earth.
Most recently posted on his blog that, Prime Minister shouldn’t be able to be millionaires - ( ), and that may be true - but with Mahathir’s political influence on the side, it is not an exaggeration to say that Mahathir is building a dynasty that would cement their “untouchable” status for generations to come.
